Vinland Saga creator, Makoto Yukimura, recently praised The Bugle Call, a manga series written by Sora Mozuku and Toumori Higoro which debuted in June 2022.
If you’ve been a fan of Vinland Saga (which also has a much-praised anime series), you must love stories revolving around military tragedies. Especially those set around the medieval times. A similarity that The Bugle Call seems to share with the popular series. So it’s no real surprise that it’s creator, Yukimura, is a fan of the series and recommends it to readers.
The Bugle Call is set in the year 1294, and follows a boy, Luca, who has the extraordinary ability to “see” sound and nurtures a deep aversion to war. Despite belonging to a band of mercenaries, his heart harbors a dream to become a musician. However, the course of his life takes an unexpected turn when he suddenly manifests a power known as “branch possession.”
This newfound ability propels Luca into a destiny he never anticipated. As he grapples with the complexities of war, his dream of a peaceful life filled with music collides with the harsh reality of his role in a world marked by conflict and uncertainty. The year 1294 becomes a pivotal chapter in Luca’s journey, where the echoes of sound and the weight of destiny intertwine to shape the unfolding narrative of his life.
Sounds a bit familiar right? Maybe minus the supernatural elements. If you’re a Vinland Saga fan and looking for a new manga to check out, then The Bugle Call might be worth your time.