Partner with us and start earning commission and discounts now!
Earn 15% commission on sales while providing your friends and followers with special offers and promotions! Just apply here, and once you are approved you will gain access to your own unique referral links and affiliate code to start earning money. Whenever someone makes a purchase through one of your links or with your promo code you make money on the sale. It’s easy.
Why join the program?
You can earn money by simply engaging with your friends and followers by hooking them up with exclusive sales and promos. All it takes is for you to post and share your referral links, affiliate codes, or graphics that we design wherever you engage the most; i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your own personal website, or anywhere you can think of.
Who can join?
Anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a part of the culture, a renowned influencer, a fan, or just someone passing through, we want to partner with you.
Does it cost me anything?
Nope. Nada. Zilch. It’s 100% free (minus a little time and energy).
When do I get paid?
All payments are sent out at the end of each month.
Do I earn commission on my own purchases?
No, you don’t earn commission on your own purchases through your affiliate links or coupon codes. But, you can always use the discount on purchases.
Do you provide any graphic material?
Yep, we’ve got you covered. We’ll provide you with a variety of banners, logos, product links, text links, videos and more. The latest of which you will always find in your account dashboard.
Are there any items we can’t make commission on?
There may be some items from time to time that will be excluded from the program for various reasons. We will always keep you up to date and well informed.