A new compelling urban crime thriller RUN NIXON is slated for release this month. Helmed by Sky Palmer, also recognized as SKYDIRECTS, the film features Lil’ Fizz (formerly of B2K), Jordan Lee Brown (from Killing Eve), Sicily Cameron (Model), Emperor Kaioyus (from American Marriage), and other notable talents.
Inspired by a poignant vision from a dream and fueled by the tragedy of losing his uncle, Palmer transformed personal grief into the cinematic reality of RUN NIXON. The story unfolds around Dre (Fizz), a father propelled into a desperate race against time to save his son, Nixon (Emperor Kaioyus). When Nixon’s mother Stacy (Sicily Cameron), takes a daring plunge into the criminal underworld, robbing the menacing Slice (Jordan Lee Brown) to fund their son’s life-saving surgery, the stakes skyrocket.
RUN NIXON enthralls audiences with adrenaline-pumping action while skillfully weaving a story of sacrifice, unyielding family ties, the extraordinary measures a parent will undertake to safeguard their child, and the escalating disparities in American healthcare, notably affecting lower-income families.
RUN NIXON releases in select AMC theaters on November 22.
List of theatrical cities include:
- Las Vegas (Town Square 18)
- Atlanta (Southlake Pavilion 24)
- Dallas-Ft. Worth (Mesquite 30)
- Los Angeles (Ontario Mills 30)
- San Diego (Plaza Bonita 14)
- Phoenix/Prescott (Ahwatukee 24)
RUN NIXON is co-written, edited, and directed by Sky Directs. Co-written by Michelle Vital. Produced by Brian Cooper. Cinematography by Matthew Villescas. Music by Robbert Johnson.