Nate Paladino - 'Drown with Me' EP Review | Opinions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Nate Paladino – ‘Drown with Me’ EP Review

Nate Paladino - 'Drown with Me' EP Review | Opinions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Nate Paladino’s EP Drown with Me is like a story about a relationship pretty much from its beginning to its end, and even past that, with all its ups and downs, the sweet and the sour, and everything in-between. 

And just like relationships, the album is messy, but in all the right ways. And perhaps because a single genre could hardly encompass all the complex thoughts, self-reflection, and emotions that a relationship brings, Nate Paladino doesn’t limit himself to one, but pours his raw honesty into whatever musical shape he sees fit, from power rock to country. It’s no wonder that some songs feel like melodic drunk midnight calls to an ex, unadulterated outbursts in a desperate search of some kind of closure, accentuated all-the-more by Paladino’s pleasantly coarse voice.

The lyrics are very well thought out, adding a strong storytelling element to the album that makes it all click and sink in deeper. 

Authenticity is an absolute must for any quality work of art. As is talent. Drown with Me oozes plenty of both. 

Nate Paladino - 'Drown with Me' EP Review | Opinions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
Nate Paladino – ‘Drown with Me’ EP Review
Authenticity is an absolute must for any quality work of art. As is talent. Nate Paladino's 'Drown with Me' oozes plenty of both. 
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CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

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