
Songstress Naomi Jane Shares New Pop Anthem “Pretty Boys”

It isn't just another breakup song – it's a declaration of self-love and independence

On “Pretty Boys,” fifteen-year-old Naomi Jane fearlessly flips the script on those who have left a trail of broken hearts in their wake. It isn’t just another breakup song – it’s a declaration of self-love and independence, a rallying cry for anyone who has ever felt undervalued or underestimated. With its raw emotion and empowering lyrics, this song is guaranteed to resonate with women and girls everywhere who refuse to be defined by the actions of others.

Naomi Jane‘s soulful voice and infectious energy breathe life into every note, captivating listeners from the first chord to the last. As she belts out the verse, “Nobody finds toxic masculinity attractive, everybody knows your mom still packing all your baggage, everything you touch is just so radioactive, wish I never had it” you can’t help but feel a surge of confidence and defiance coursing through your veins.

“’Pretty Boys’ isn’t just about shaking off past heartaches – it’s about reclaiming your power and embracing your worth. It’s about standing tall in the face of adversity and refusing to settle for anything less than you deserve. I hope it gives rise to anyone who has been let down by someone who appeared perfect on the outside but proved to be flawed and harmful on the inside. While I may mention specific individuals in the song, the message is universal. We’ve all encountered someone who is fake and let us down. I want people to feel empowered when they hear this track—it’s an anthem, plain and simple! Whether you’re belting it out in your car, shedding a tear, or even destroying their  teddy bear, this song is a declaration of self-love and that we refuse to be taken advantage of again.” – Naomi Jane 

“Pretty Boys” questions why attractiveness often masks inner ugliness and emphasizes the importance of not being fooled by surface appearances. The song’s chorus highlights the disappointment and disillusionment caused by pretty boys who fail to live up to expectations. Ultimately, Naomi Jane’s “Pretty Boys” delivers a powerful message about not allowing appearances to overshadow true character and encourages listeners to see beyond superficial charm.

How are we feeling about this one?

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

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