Best Buy's Black Friday Twitter Ad is peak 2020 | News | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Best Buy’s Black Friday Twitter Ad is peak 2020

TikTok is the clear current king of social media

TikTok, throughout 2020, has emerged as the social media app of the moment. It’s a clear center of creative energy, it’s made an impact on the presidential election, and it even had the U.S. government seeking to ban it. 

Now, advertisers are beginning to produce creative work that’s clearly influenced by the TikTok style. One of those is Best Buy, which launched a Twitter ad this week that looks, a lot, like a TikTok video. 

Like many Tiktoks, the video is just 15 seconds long, and like TikTok, it features a young woman dancing exuberantly, while pointing at words on the screen. 

The ad features a young woman, dressed as Best Buy employee and wearing a facemask, dancing around a Best Buy location while pointing at words on the screen advertising the store’s early Black Friday sales. 

One of the more amusing things about the ad is the reactions it received in the comments of the Twitter post. They took the form of a few things: Reply guys thinking the Best Buy employee is hot, those complaining that a white woman is featured dancing to hip-hop-oriented music, and mask skeptics upset that the dancer did her dance while masked. 

“I get it, Black Friday ad and have the non-black individual borrow or attempt to emulate Black cultural expression,” one Tweeter said. “FAIL! This is why every ad company needs to have a diverse team. I guarantee not one Black was in the room when they brainstormed this one. Do better Best Buy!”

“Not a single person has ever been that excited to work at best buy,” another said. 

“Don’t be distracted with her sexy outfit and sleek dance moves, these are awesome deals Best Buy is putting out,” another said. 

“How come the Best Buy I got to don’t look any thing near close to this beautiful sales lady?? It’s like a freaking sausage hut.”

“100% BestBuy had a marketing meeting with the subject, create our own AT&T Lilly….,” another said. 

But the strangest reply, by far, is this one:

The Best Buy Black Friday deals are in effect now.

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CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

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