“TAG TEAM” is a dynamic and sassy pop collaboration between rising pop sensation ellakate and the talented Whitney Bjerken. The song is a catchy, girl power anthem that delves into themes of friendship, overcoming bad exes, and embracing the spirit of badassery.
“TAG TEAM” is a testament to the power of female camaraderie and the strength that arises when two individuals come together against a common adversary. Written and sung by ellakate and Whitney Bjerken, the song narrates the story of two empowered women joining forces to confront an ex-lover who failed to treat them with the respect they deserve.
The chemistry between ellakate and Whitney shines through, creating a musical experience that is not only catchy but also emotionally charged.
“It was so fun writing and working together with Whitney on this song. We had actually never worked together before this and are now great friends because of it.”
The track boasts a catchy and sassy pop sound that is bound to resonate with audiences seeking a bold and empowering musical experience. “TAG TEAM” encapsulates the essence of friendship, resilience, and reclaiming one’s power after a toxic relationship – a powerful new song from ellakate.