Moby - Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt Reaction | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Moby – Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt Reaction

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While I do have a basic knowledge of who Moby is, outside of that now iconic theme song for the Bourne series, I’ve never heard an entire body of work from him. Curious, I decided now’s as good as ever to give him a proper listen. Not really sure what to expect I was taken aback by just how melancholic and ethereal everything sounded. It’s a sort of atmospheric style of electronic music that’s more about evoking emotion than making a statement, punctuated by otherworldly synths and vocals that have been distorted and modified to the point that they don’t sound human. The overall feel of the album seems to revel in emptiness and hopelessness but still somehow manages to be beautiful and not overly nihilistic. Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt is a mellow listen that doesn’t have anything nearly as bombastic as “Extreme Ways” but it’s equally parts lush and bare and has potential to evoke a strong emotional reaction. The title is a perfect summation of what the album’s 12 tracks have in store.

WhoMadeWho – Through The Walls | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
I'm not sure if WhoMadeWho was aided by any psychedelics in the creation of Through The Walls but he managed to craft one atmospheric, contemplative, trippy musical journey, and I can dig it.
Django Django - Marble Skies | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
While Django Django's previous efforts felt a bit more artsy in intention, the experimentation on Marble Skies feels done with the sole purpose of creating something fun. And it is fun, it's a lighthearted, head nodding romp full of brilliant melodies and earworm hooks. It's almost impossible not to be pulled into their joyous orbit.
Fever Ray - Plunge | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
Fever Ray's sound is not easily quantifiable nor is it's intent, it's quintessential mood music and just one of those things where you just know it when you hear it. I'm not sure that I enjoyed Plunge as much as her first album, at least not immediately, but there's no denying the sheer creativity and boundary pushing present that succeeds at evoking emotional response better than almost anything else that comes to mind.

“This was loss and this was later
Always hate but never hate her
I laid in wait but so much later
And never safe from all this danger”

Have you heard Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt? What’d you think about it? Did it resonate emotionally with you? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to leave your own ratings and reactions to the album.

Moby - Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt Reaction | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
Moby – Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt Reaction
The overall feel of Moby's latest seems to revel in emptiness and hopelessness but still somehow manages to be beautiful and not overly nihilistic. It's a mellow listen that doesn't have anything nearly as bombastic as "Extreme Ways" but it's equally parts lush and bare and has the potential to evoke a strong emotional reaction. The title is a perfect summation of what the album's 12 tracks have in store.
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CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

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