“Hitting The Bricks” by NY-based art rocker Ghost X Gardens is a fascinating release, something like a short musical history lesson of how to live the life of a full-on rock start and artist, like those we sadly tend to refer to as “dinosaurs” in today’s day and age.
“Hitting The Bricks” pivots around a bad-ass, catchy guitar riff and rides high on continuous and contagious momentum all the way through until it reaches a history interlude, telling the story of how Ghost X Gardens met Storme` DeLaverie, someone “who would need no introduction if the world were just,” as his recollection starts out.
Ghost X Gardens recorded the song whilst maintaining permanent residency in the legendary Chelsea Hotel. There he met the hotel’s cross-dressing matriarch – Storme` DeLaverie, who used to be a performer and MC at the Apollo, credited for sparking the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a major turning point on the road to gay liberation and LGBT rights. “Hitting The Bricks” features DeLaverie’s last known recordings which Ghost X Gardens summoned by rubbing a bottle of gin, her drink of choice.
It’s basically a song within a song, or two songs, connected by faith. Both songs are deeply pervaded by history and a gushing love for everything that is music and art. Despite the two parts being completely different, the history interlude makes the flow from one to the other seamless – almost fairytale-like. Their contrast makes the whole release all-the-more special, transcending genres and eras, showing that talent recognizes talent, regardless of style.
A truly unique record.
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