The Sidleys Refurbish Vintage With A Splash of Modern on New Album 'Sugar Kingdom' | Latest Buzz | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

The Sidleys Refurbish Vintage With A Splash of Modern on New Album ‘Sugar Kingdom’

A vivacious sonic collage of pop, rock, and adult contemporary

The Sidleys return with their highly anticipated fourth LP, Sugar Kingdom. A vivacious sonic collage of pop, rock, and adult contemporary. 

Coming on the heels of the album’s titular track “Sugar Kingdom”,  The Sidleys provide us with powerhouse vocals, dreamy guitar loops, and upbeat tempos in the form of twelve syrupy-sweet tracks. The desire to create a candy-coated sonic landscape was envisioned after seeing a sweets shop of the same name. Recorded on and off since late 2021, Sugar Kingdom came to fruition in the band’s private home studio in Bethesda, MD.

​​Amongst the album are soulful tunes drenched in powerful vocals by Annie Sidley à la Brittany Howard or Gladys Knight, while instrumentally leaning into the flair of artists such as Beck or The Flaming Lips. Sugar Kingdom is something of an enigma as it effortlessly mends together the sonic styles of the last five decades, creating a fresh batch of earworms bound to please all demographics.

Throughout the new album, The Sidleys use their unique swagger to tell stories about love, sex, life, death, and much more. Are you going to give this one a spin?

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

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