
Hardcore Band Walk The Plank Make Their Hard-Hitting Return with New EP ‘Loathe’

A visceral sonic experience

Washington D.C. hardcore punk band Walk The Plank have marked their return to music with a brand new 6-track EP titled Loathe. This is their first release since 2018, but they don’t miss a beat with the ferocious energy and unbridled intensity the genre is known for.

Loathe is not just an EP; it’s a visceral sonic experience who’s unapologetic approach to hardcore punk propels Walk The Plank towards the forefront of the scene. Right from the opening track, “Anti-Social Media,” they set the tone with a fierce assault of distorted guitars and relentless percussion. Paired with in-your face vocals and blunt commentary about the state of the world you can’t help but feel affected by the music.

Walk The Plank have been inactive for four years due to the pandemic and members moving. Having recorded the record just before the world went on pause, they had to wait until now to release it. Loathe is also the first release with their guitarist John Crum and drummer Zeeshan Shad performing on it.

Loathe is now available to stream, and Walk The Plank invites hardcore punk enthusiasts, music critics, and fans of relentless energy to immerse themselves in the sonic storm of their latest release. With a commitment to preserving the authenticity of hardcore punk and a sound that resonates with unfiltered rebellion, Walk The Plank is poised for a major comeback. We’ll be tuned in. Will you be?

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

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