Kevin Sorbo, the actor who played Hercules in the ’90s syndicated action series of that name, has reinvented himself in recent years as a conservative celebrity. The now- 60-year-old Sorbo starred in God’s Not Dead and other overtly Christian films.
Last week, a trailer surfaced for The Reliant, which Cracked described as “a classic dystopian faith-based YA gun rights movie.” The movie’s official synopsis says that Rick (Sorbo), after some type of societal collapse, its forced to flee to the woods with his five children.
Adding intrigue to the premise is that the Sorbo character, during this woods exile, “questions the morality of gun ownership but soon learns that in God all things are good, including his family’s Second Amendment right to defend themselves.”
Eric Roberts is also in the film, playing a character named “Mr. Jones,” per IMDB. The director, Paul Munger, directed 2015’s Princess Cut, and also Princess Cut 2 and Princess Cut 3, both of which are listed as in post-production. The movie, based on a novel, also drew funds from an Indiegogo campaign.
The 1980s NFL star Brian Bosworth plays the villain, “Jack,” but the trailer indicates that the heavies also include Antifa, and other rampaging protesters. Whether this is taking place in the present day, or some future, post-Trump period, is unclear.
One thing notable is that while the Second Amendment is said to be “under attack” in this film’s world, it appears all of the characters have no trouble being as armed as they want.
The Reliant will have a one-night-only Fathom Events release, on October 24. Judging by what’s happened with a lot of this type of movie in recent years, we can make a few predictions: The film won’t be screened for critics, and therefore critics won’t review it. Then, the media will be accused of “censorship” for not giving the film more support.