Troye Sivan : The Anthem

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]roye Sivan came to The Anthem in D.C. with a stellar performance. Fans lined the entrance to gain access to the theater. With support from Leland and Kim Petras, the crowd was swooning all night long. Moments before Troye’s set everyone was cheering everytime the lights flickered. The amazing moments captured shows the mood from the rest of the night. After each song Troye had a casual conversation with the crowd. He never expected to perform in a packed theater with banners and signs showing support. At one point in time he invited fans to give their gifts on stage until it became overwhelming. One lucky person was able to have their phone used to take a crowd selfie by Troye himself. Many people’s nights were made and it couldn’t be expressed enough in photos.

I went out looking for love when I was seventeen
Maybe a little too young, but it was real to me
And in the heat of the night, saw things I’d never seen
No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, seventeen

– “Seventeen”

Troye Sivan - Bloom | Reactions | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
'Bloom' is a phenomenal album and if this is what the future of pop sounds like, then it's got a bright future ahead. There's some clear shades of Frank Ocean in Troye's music but he manages to balance that more thoughtful approach to song crafting with the more joyous experience of just hearing genuinely enjoyable music.
Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
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