It was a way to look at these stories without any of the slickness, nor the corporate ass-covering, that comes from the usual WWE-approved documentaries.
The 40th Wrestlemania took place on Saturday and Sunday at Lincoln Financial Field. On Thursday, I spent a couple of hours at WWE World.
Wrestlemania 40’s second night had the exact proper ending, one with lots of fan service but also very good wrestling action.
It's normally a hacky device for a biography to take the position that "this isn't really about its subject- it's actually about America," but 'Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America' somehow pulls it off.
Around the start of the fifth season of Vice’s wrestling series Dark Side of the Ring this spring, I was ready to declare that the series had run its course.
Netflix’s six-part Mr. McMahon documentary is unlike any pro wrestling documentary in recent memory and a worthy addition.
WWE's 'Saturday Night’s Main Event' has returned with nostalgia in spades, including the "winged eagle" championship belt and even Jesse Ventura.
WWE and Netflix have announced a new long-term partnership that will bring Raw to the world’s leading streaming service.
20 years ago this month saw the arrival of a prominent documentary that was produced outside the auspices of WWE. And it was directed by a guy best known as a comedy writer.
Following a week of tons of events around Philadelphia, both officially sanctioned and not, Wrestlemania 40 got underway Saturday night.
The recent release of The Iron Claw raised the possibility of a new kind of pro wrestling movie, and here's some new ones that we'd love to see.
A lot of books get published about pro wrestling, but Dave Rueter's 'Kayfabe: A Love Story' is something very different.
In their quest to spin off/copy Dark Side of the Ring, Vice aired 4-part series, Who Killed WCW?, and there's plenty of blame to go around.
With its first Monday Night Raw Netflix show, WWE showed that it can keep the steam going for a three-hour show.
NBC Universal had reached a deal to bring WWE Network's programming to their streaming platform, Peacock, for over $1 billion.