This year's Doc'N Roll Film Festival takes place between October 27 and November 13 in the UK.
Thelonious Monk was a musical prodigy and one of the most inventive pianists of any musical genre, crafting a sound so original not even his most devoted followers could imitate. No wonder he's been dubbed by many as "The Genius of Modern Music."
The performances will come from his time living in France and includes films from Ella Fitzgerald, Thelonious Monk Quartet, Miles Davis Quintet, and Nina Simone.
At the moment, there is a plethora of jazz artists who are bringing something new, reviving previous forms in the right way, or just crossing borders that garner more attention - with some of them on the verge of attaining wider acclaim.
One about Ronnie Scott and his legendary London jazz/rock club, and the other is 'Music, Money, Madness…Jimi Hendrix In Maui' finally making its theatrical debut.
Just 24 hours after it was announced that rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def) would play late jazz legend Thelonious Monk in a new biopic, the artists' estate came out condemning the project.
It turns out that in 1968, “Monk had an opportunity to make a direct contribution by playing the mostly white Palo Alto High School after the most ‘racially tense’ summer of the decade.” But, there's even more to its backstory.