Tips: Why Going to a Concert is a Great Night Out | Features | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Tips: Why Going to a Concert is a Great Night Out

It can be easy to have a couple of drinks at the pub and then move on to the closest club for a night out – if that is what you are into, then stick at it! However, sometimes preferences change, and the idea of standing in line to get a drink for 20 minutes and trying to find your friends in the vaping area for a solid portion of the evening might not seem so appealing anymore.

Here you are, looking for other options.

A concert is an excellent choice for music lovers and those who like their evenings to be fun and lively. Discover more below.

The Live Music Connection

There is something about live music that cannot be beaten. Humans have an innate connection to music, and being able to experience it happening in the moment can be transcendental. Whether you are listening to your favorite artists and tracks or you are discovering a new band for the first time, there is something all-encompassing about live music that you can’t get from the recorded stuff.


Community is such an important part of being human, and it is devastating that these little pockets are slowly being underfunded. A live gig or a concert is still one of the places that people of all walks of life and ages can come together and enjoy something.

There is a chance here for everyone to let their hair down and be part of a shared experience that can help bring people closer together. You might also make some new friends too!

Unique Performances

You know what is going to happen on a record – you know less about what is going to happen at a live concert. What you see is happening in real time, and you might find you get treated to something that no one else has heard before – perhaps a new track they’ve been working on or a cover of an all-time classic song!

Not only that but there are so many different concerts you can attend, even extremely niche choices that can bring surprise and delight into your life. Want to see someone complete the Jurassic Park soundtrack on a harp? It is probably out there.

It Gives You The Chance To Dress Up

If you have already found your dream performance, you are probably already thinking about what you are going to wear! Concerts provide the perfect opportunity to take extra time with your look and feel fabulous, ready to dance and sing the night away. Take a look at some inspiration for concert outfit ideas, and go there looking your best.

A Break from Routine

Sometimes, you need to mix things up a bit in life to shake off the cobwebs, especially if your routine is getting you down. Take a break with an extraordinary experience that a concert can offer and enjoy being taken out of your head and daily life for a little while. You will be able to come back to it rejuvenated and with a fresh perspective – probably one that will lead to you booking another concert for yourself!

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
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