Renowned Guitarist Phil Manzanera to Publish a New Memoir | News | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Renowned Guitarist Phil Manzanera to Publish a New Memoir

Revolución to Roxy will be published on March 22, 2024

Guitarist Phil Manzanera had a very distinguished career, starting with Roxy Music and other projects, and now he has prepared a new memoir. Revolución to Roxy, which will be published through Wordzworth Publishing.

As LouderSound notes, Manzanera had an impressive musical career, from the boundary-defying art rock of Roxy Music, the progressive rock of Quiet Sun and 801, and his work with the likes of John Wetton and David Gilmour and Pink Floyd

Besides his musical career, the memoir also explores Phil Manzanera’s family history, dating back to the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews from Spain in 1492, via the 1959 revolution in Cuba and the discovery of a Neapolitan Opera musician grandfather.

“I’ve written this memoir for my English and Colombian family, dear friends and music fans, who’ve followed my musical twists and turns for over half a century,” Manzanera explains. “It’s a memoir that spans my ’50s childhood in Cuba, Hawaii, and Venezuela, when everything seemed in the brightest technicolor, to monochrome but very cool ’60s London and the start of a music career that continues to enrich my life.

“Roxy Music is an important part of the story but I hope the reader will find my family history every bit as fascinating as my music adventures: I’m proud to be related to the most famous 17th-century Sephardic Jewish pirate of the Caribbean, a British spy, and an Italian opera musician.”

Revolución to Roxy will be published on March 22, 2024.

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