Our thoughts and opinions on the latest album from Paramore, 'This Is Why.'
2018 was a historically great year for music and now that the year is all wrapped up we're ready to deliver our definitive list of the Top 25 Albums of the Year.
Following up our in depth 'Top 20 Albums of the Year...So Far' podcast, here is the official full list in all it's glory without all the other BS (but you should really get into all the other BS, it's good BS).
March had a ton of great new albums and music videos from the likes of SZA, Young Fathers, CZARFACE & MF DOOM, and The Weeknd; and it also featured some interesting trailers for First Reformed, Avengers: Infinity War, and Sorry To Bother You. We've highlighted some of the best drops over the month and now we're ready to crown the best album, movie trailer, and music video.
Our thoughts and opinions on the latest album from Young Fathers, 'Heavy Heavy.'
We're back discussing the latest music news, like the Super Bowl halftime show controversy, and come up with our consensus list of the Top 25 Albums of 2018.
Did Cardi B live up to the hype, a trio of perfect albums, and getting stuck in the streaming matrix
We're back and we finally got Cardi B's long anticipated debut album. We discuss our thoughts about the project and whether or not we believe it lived up to the immense hype and talk whether Nicki Minaj was being petty for starting her rollout right after it's release. We also talk about Apple Music removing the ability to download music and the increasing hold streaming services are having on people, if we think Coachella has become too mainstream and started to plateau, and our first 5 star album ratings of 2018 from Young Fathers, The Weeknd, and Saba - among other things.
Like a lot of today's music, trying to put a label on or even describe their overall sound is damn near impossible. It's a little bit of pop, a little bit of punk, a little bit of electronic, a little bit of hip-hop, and a whole lot of countless other influences. It all sounds highly experimental, and a bit chaotic, but never so much that they lose their cool. Young Fathers have crafted something special here and I've found it difficult to pull myself away. This one is a must experience.