Art has a predictive power that can be astoundingly precise, and sometimes we ignore its forecasts to our own peril.
I’ve got a feeling Kanye’s MAGA period will be looked upon by future music historians as a bizarre, brief interlude in a great artist’s career, but I'm floored by the outpouring of support from the conservative right. But the election of Donald Trump has caused social conservatives to accept a level of in-your-face vulgarity simply unimaginable as recently as a couple of years ago. Once they've taken that leap, having nice things to say about rappers isn't such a big ask.
It would be much simpler and things would line up far neater if everyone publicly accused of sexual harassment or misconduct was someone we hated or distrusted in the first place. This is the argument Bill Maher seems to be taking with his friend, Al Franken...and it's wrong.
It may not have been intentional, and I have no idea what Korine's political views are, but 'The Beach Bum' is absolutely an allegory about the rise of Donald Trump.
The Showtime docuseries about Roger Ailes is one of those shows that wouldn't work at all if it were fictional and not fact-based, because the lead character being that loathsome simply wouldn't be believable.
One major difference between 'The Handmaid’s Tale' and its progeny involves the nature of the plot and tone. If 'The Handmaid’s Tale' was a warning, 'The Testaments' is a call to revolution.
There have been quite a few social-media freakouts in the last couple of years and this Vaughn/Trump one is yet another backlash to the backlash, in search of an original backlash.
The six-part series, which wrapped up last month, is one of the works of fiction that has best grappled with the Trump era. Its modern-day echoes really hit home.
With the nation's theaters all closed, a lot of Americans have given thought to taking in a drive-in movie at some point, and someone else is thinking about how to utilize drive-in movie theaters: President Donald Trump.
Less than seven weeks to election day, we've reached the "attribute fake rally music to your opponent" phase of the 2020 presidential campaign.
It's practically inevitable that Hollywood will jump at the chance to exploit the tragedy of the January 6 insurrection to make a blockbuster movie, and there's some impulses that I hope they avoid...
One is to be directed by Zach Heinzerling and Gabrielle Schonder, while another is in the works from the team behind the 'WeWork' Hulu documentary.
We're back and talking about Kendrick Lamar becoming the first non-classical, non-jazz musician to win a Pulitzer prize for music, Meek Mill finally being released from prison and whether we'll get a Drake collab to capitalize on the moment, and give our expectations for Drake's recently announced next album, Scorpion. Then of course we talk about all of the madness surrounding twitter and Kanye West and his upcoming projects. Lastly, we breakdown J. Cole's latest album, KOD, whether it's his best album yet, and try to understand why he's such a polarizing yet wildly successful figure in hip-hop.
In 1972, journalist Hunter S. Thompson provided characteristically unique insight into why the Democrats lost the election against Nixon. In 2016, we learned that the DNC didn't learn from their past mistakes.
On February 28, 2016, three years ago now, HBO's Last Week Tonight With John Oliver aired a segment that was especially prescient about the Trump era, and the many ways how mainstream comedy would try, and fail, to react to it.
Politics crossed paths with 'The Godfather' films again this week, not for the first time in the Trump era, and probably not the last either.
Is Evolution Attempting to Correct Post-Modern Mistakes with this “Trump” Era?… Ken Wilber Thinks So
Philosopher and writer, Ken Wilber, poses a unique theory on how Trump became president and how this current era of politics came to be.
A limited series is in development based on 'A Higher Loyalty', the memoir by former FBI Director James Comey, and will feature Jeff Daniels and Brendan Gleeson as the leads.
Even the most popular films that contend for Best Picture usually inspire at least some level of backlash, but 'Parasite' never did; that is, until it actually won...
'Tiger King' and the story of Joe Exotic and the wild collection of almost cartoonish characters that orbit his world has become one of the true cultural hits of the year; born from the ashes of trashy reality TV and Netflix original true crime shows.
It's an election year, and if instead of watching the two party conventions this month you'd prefer a more cinematic view of politics, various streaming services and other platforms have launched a series of political documentaries throughout this summer.
Few public figures have had quite the fall from grace as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Which undoubtedly had a role in the viral resurgence of a TV movie from 2003 starring James Woods.
In recent times, there's been a separate category of boycott that's become quite ubiquitous. It comes as part of the never-ending backlash against "wokeness," and while its been loud and numerous, it hasn't been very effective.
You may have heard, probably way more than you should have, about Sydney Sweeney's mother's 60th birthday party. It's as ridiculous as it sounds.