I'm sure everybody who hasn't been living under a rock, knows about the recent passing of Steve Jobs. The CEO of Apple was a true innovator, great leader, and relentless worker, who brought the world some of the most groundbreaking products ever seen. The impact he left on this planet will be felt for generations and is the stuff of legends. In short, he embodies everything that we strive for at living.life.fearless, and like everyone else I am in awe of the brilliance he was able to achieve in such a short span and will greatly miss the fire he brought to his industry and the rest of the world...
There have been very few men who have helped shaped modern thinking like Stewart Brand. From coining the phrase "personal computer" to essentially inventing the blogoshpere long before there was such thing as a blog, Brand is the poster boy for the "freethought" '60s.
This article is about those teachers that have stood out, that have challenged the norm, and made us question the basics and what we deem as fundamental. Highlighting what I think to be the most insightful tips on the craft of Screenwriting, I will list just a few, and hope that it will enlighten those who have reached a wall in their script or feel they need to make the hero/ heroine’s goal a little more challenging/relatable.