Hollywood doesn't come out with many literary comedies anymore, or films that center around the extracurricular adventures of middle-aged professors, but it did both back in February of 2000 with 'Wonder Boys.' A film criminally overlooked by moviegoers.
Tim Burton has managed to hone his unmistakable eccentric visual style and equally nonconformist recurring themes throughout the course of his prolific career, and they are more than worth a look back at some of his greatest achievements.
1999 was a special time for movies and 'American Beauty' is one whose reputation has waxed and waned over time, as has my impression of it as I’ve re-watched it over the years. But there are several reasons 'American Beauty' isn’t a fun movie to think about these days.
30 years ago, Oliver Stone delivered 'JFK', one of the best edited movies in history, that on the one hand is almost wholly untrue while on the other hand hugely entertaining.
'The Hidden' arrived three years before the arrival of 'Twin Peaks,' but it's a movie that should naturally appeal to fans of that particular show. For one, it's got Kyle MacLachlan, playing an FBI agent with an unorthodox style.
R. Stevie Moore is an icon of the lo-fi music scene whose pioneering approach to DIY music production and his ability to make something out of nothing has inspired generations of musicians.
It’s about time we talk about the unstoppable force that is podcasting. From Ricky Gervais to Joe Rogan, there's no denying their massive cultural impact.
'Moonlight' is probably best-known for that now infamous Best Picture debacle, but it deserves much better than that. More than anything else, it tells the type of story that movies that compete for, and win Oscars, very rarely tell.
Released 20 years ago this week 'Death to Smoochy' arrived as a deeply dark and cynical comedy that appears to have been written by someone whose kids got really into Barney and drove their parents to homicidal fantasy.
Tim Burton has managed to hone his unmistakable eccentric visual style and equally nonconformist recurring themes throughout the course of his prolific career, and they are more than worth a look back at some of his greatest achievements.
A lot of movies get called groundbreaking, but few from the '80s really earn that designation quite like Robert Zemeckis' and Steven Spielberg's 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit', which was remarkable for a number of reasons.
In the summer of 2003, Bob Dylan starred in an extremely bizarre film called 'Masked and Anonymous', set in a post-apocalyptic USA and stuffed with countless cameos.
Judd Apatow's comedy, which marks its 15th anniversary this week, has become known as one of the funnier and more charming comedies of the new century. But it's also notable as the start of many things that we now take for granted.
Spike Lee's 2002 film '25th Hour' is generally considered the best film ever made about the aftermath of 9/11and ranks among Lee's best films.
George Clinton, songwriter, vocalist, producer, and bandleader has been described as a "genius" and a "pioneer" of funk music, but he is also a man who has had to fight for his rightful place in the annals of popular music.
Richard Linklater's decades spanning 'Before Trilogy' is widely considered a contemporary film classic, even making it into The Criterion Collection, and for very good reason.
While not nearly the cultural phenomenon that 'Pulp Fiction' was, Tarantino's 'Jackie Brown' was an extremely enjoyable film with first-rate dialog, that helped fuel the comeback of a couple '70s stars.
'A Life Less Ordinary' was Danny Boyle and Ewan McGregor's follow-up to 'Trainspotting,' and while it wasn't nearly the hit that was, it led to a lot of subsequent success for everyone involved.
It's hard to think of another non-musical film in which the score is the best-known element, but 40 years on, 'Chariots of Fire' still holds up and is deserving of a reappraisal on its merits as an overall great film.
Released in 1997 and directed by Luc Besson, 'The Fifth Element' was really two films (one much better than the other), but whose stunning visuals and fun-filled ride still stand out today.
Charles Mingus was one of the most important and influential composers of twentieth-century music. He was a true pioneer, who pushed the boundaries of jazz and classical music to create a unique and powerful sound that is still being explored by musicians today.
30 years ago Hollywood asked the age old question... What if a kid got to play a part in Major League Baseball? Their answer? 'Rookie of the Year.'
The early 2000s were a very different time. That's one of the only explanations for the existence of 'Freddy Got Fingered' ― the unreconstructed comedic id of Tom Green.
'Hail, Caesar!', which came out five years ago this month, feels an awful lot like it was assembled from 8 or 10 ideas the Coen brothers had been kicking about for the bulk of their careers.