I think before I can continue with this trilogy (Frodo not Neo) I need to clarify what makes something a fear. There's a lot of things out there that make people uncomfortable; for example, a lot of people feel uncomfortable doing public speaking but they don't necessarily fear it, they'd prefer not to do it but if push comes to shove they'd be able to get up there and get through it. Now for someone with an absolute fear of it, nothing short of the will of God could make that person do it and if that will does one day come to pass they may just faint, convulse, vomit (true story), really do anything other than look like public speakers. For me, the thought of being average doesn't just make me uncomfortable it down right terrifies me; I'm shaking right now just writing out you know what. The day I feel like I'm living average may just be the day I say goodbye to the world and all my unborn seeds because death would be a reprieve from that life of hell. See the difference? Good, now let's continue...