Season 1 of Luke Cage was another extremely well put together series from Marvel and Netflix. The character and world building really brought Harlem to life, and the acting was fantastic. However, a weak end villain and an, at times, too small scale of a story keep it from being exceptional. Very solid, but not exceptional.
Doctor Strange was yet another origin story with a weak villain, but the spectacular, trippy visuals and great acting keep it from being too formulaic. The future ramifications from introducing magic in the Marvel cinematic universe alone make this one worth watching.
We're back and we're talking about all of the recent developments going on with ourselves, the website, and our new team members, ready to bring you dope content week in and week out. We also talk about recent shows we've been checking out, who's a worse kid - Zach from The Strain or Tariq from Power, give our thoughts about Season 1 of The Defenders, and discuss our cautious optimism for the new IT adaptation. We close things out talking about the Mayweather/McGregor fight and the Jon Jones debacle.
This week we're talking about the Emmys notable moments and winners, recently ended seasons of The Strain and Preacher, new trailers for The Punisher and the Tomb Raider reboot, and end with our thoughts on Apple's new product launches.
This week's show is all about Stephen King and his recent resurgence in film & TV adaptations. We rank our Top 5 King adaptations and going full on spoiler talk about IT and The Dark Tower. We also touch on the impossible to avoid Harvey Weinstein situation, go on a Dragon Ball tangent, and take a look at Marvel's rising presence in TV.
In this week's show we have a frank and open discussion about this seemingly never ending cycle of sexual assault accusations/revelations and what we think is driving these people in power to risk it all. Then we give our initial and spoiler-filled reactions to Season 1 of Netflix and Marvel's The Punisher, as well as our reactions to the brand new Avengers: Infinity War trailer and discuss the DC vs Marvel cinematic universes.
DC and Marvel have truly become the Apple and Samsung of the movie world and seem to be exercising a duopoly on the rest of the movie industry, with no signs of slowing down.
Season 1 was all about foundation building and they did a fantastic job of that and giving me a real reason to care about the characters and the story unfolding. I would like to see a bit more action in the next season but Season 1's incredible balance, great character development, and compelling story make this one of TV's most promising super hero shows yet.
Shit gets real in this episode as we speak to Marvin Touré about his upcoming art work, the influences of his West African heritage and being a first-generation immigrant, and his cautious optimism about Marvel's upcoming Black Panther film. We also dive deep into an artist's struggle to convey his own life and perspective while still leaving room for interpretation from a larger audience, untraining your mind after years of traditional schooling, the themes of the racial undertones of body perception, mental conditioning, and the mentality towards art in West Africa compared to the traditional Western context. Needless to say we dive deep.
It’s very clear, from the artistic and financial success of Black Panther, that Ryan Coogler was the right director for Black Panther, and that Black Panther was the right film for him to make at this stage of his career. However, that’s not always the case when it comes to talented young directors who are brought into high-profile franchise filmmaking.
Check out some of this past weeks most talked about and interesting film trailers like Chappaquiddick, Wild Wild Country, Flint Town, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Wreck-It Ralph 2, and more.
Jessica Jones is vastly different than any other super hero property out there so if you go into it with that mindset there a fairly interesting dramatic, pseudo-noir story being told here; along with answers to long running questions about her past and potential for future highly personal conflicts.
Episode 7: President Trump, the return of Chappelle shows how weak comedy is now, and Doctor Strange
In Episode 7 we discuss the recent victory of Donald Trump, Dave Chappelle's return to TV as a host for Saturday Night Live, and how pale in comparison current comedians are. We also go into full spoiler mode talking about Marvel's latest release, Doctor Strange. And lastly, we talk about upcoming films we're excited about; films like Ghost in the Shell, Trainspotting 2, and The Dark Tower. Check out the full episode and you can see the time-stamps for the various topics on the full post.
We have returned with the next episode of The Fearless Show and on this episode we give our reactions to this year's Oscars and we see who picked the most winners. We also talk about new shows and films we've been watching, in particular Marvel and Netflix's latest, Iron Fist. Then we close things out by discussing Dareece's recent exhibit opening in our hometown of Colorado Springs and any upcoming art shows he plans on checking out.
Season 1 of The Defenders should have been a fun, hard-hitting romp that delivered on years of build up in a big way that would shape the Marvel/Netflix cinematic universe for years to come. Unfortunately what we got was a soulless, plodding season that under delivered in just about every way possible. Time to bring on The Punisher.
Not only has comic book content dramatically changed over the last 20 years but so has the average comic fan. This 3 part series aims to expose societies outdated image of comic culture while exploring modern comic genres as art forms which encompass hip hop, feminism, civil rights, LGBT, and politics.
The Justice League is here (and believe me, I am here for Wonder Woman) but Thor is the true ruler of the box office. If you're trying to decide between Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok this holiday weekend, and you want the most bang for your buck, the latter will leave you feeling just dandy about spending ten bucks of your hard-earned cash and chuckling all the way home.
Season 1 of Netflix and Marvel's The Punisher was a step back in the right direction for both companies. They managed to finish the story they started in Daredevil, introduce a great new character in Micro, and show a whole different side to The Punisher than we've ever seen before. However, I hope in Season 2 we get a lot more Punisher and a lot less Frank Castle and more action sequences that can match the high mark left from Season 2 of Daredevil.
We're back with the first new show of 2018 and we open things up by taking care of some housecleaning, discussing our holidays and resolutions for the new year, then movie into impressions of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the backlash Dave Chappelle is facing and whether we think society is too easily offended. Then we end things talking about shows and movies we've been watching over the holidays and if Oprah is a bit of a hypocrite.
Season 1 of The Gifted was a seriously flawed first season that still showed a lot of flashes of promise, especially in the back third. If they can build off of those great moments, add more levity, and ease off the caricatures then it can truly grow into something special, a la Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Marvin Touré joins us again to go full on spoilercast about Marvel's Black Panther and go on a deeper analytical dive about its many themes. We finish things off by talking about the recent presidential portraits and possible deeper meanings.
Black Panther may not be perfect in the technical department but incredible roles by its cast, the MCU's greatest villain yet, an impossibly cool setting, and a super hero with real emotional bite more than make up for any of it's shortcomings. I couldn't help but walk out of the theater beaming with pride and optimism for the future - and at the end of the day isn't that what super heroes are all about?
Check out some of this past weeks most talked about and interesting film trailers like Avengers: Infinity War, Tully, Mary Poppins Returns, Sorry to Bother You, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, The Grinch, and more.
We're back and we're talking about the biggest movie of the year, Avengers: Infinity War. But before we dive all in, we talk about Michelle Wolf's brutal roast at the White House Correspondents' Dinner and subsequent backlash and give our spoiler-free reactions to the movie. Then we hold back nothing talking about all the scenes of Infinity War, analyzing potential meanings, and theories for the future.