As a result of monumental movements and campaigns in the recent years, the voices of underrepresented groups are finally getting much needed recognition.
The lack of LGBTQ+ characters in television and film isn’t too awe-inspiring, yet, there are over 10 million individuals identifying as such in the United States alone, according to Gallup.
The recent losses of celebrated icons serve as a reminder and a wake up call for us to stop demonizing and downplaying mental illness, and let it be a reminder to keep the conversation going and challenging the stigma by any means necessary.
In early April, the "Crazy Ex-Girlfiend Live" tour came to Philadelphia from the stage at the venerable Philly rock venue, The Trocadero, to a crowd of wildly diverse spectators. It demonstrated a cultural phenomenon that’s begun to sneak up lately: Musicals, across multiple media, are booming. And it’s not necessarily the traditional “theater kids” who are driving it.