'So Long, Marianne' is intimate tale of two, lonely people falling in love, during a period of their life when they are trying to figure out who they are and their place in the world.
'Here It Is: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen' will feature big-name artists like Peter Gabriel, Iggy Pop, and Mavis Staples.
The new documentaries on Leonard Cohen, T. Rex’s Marc Bolan, Lil Baby, Detroit techno, and cult rapper the D.O.C. will have their premieres at the festival.
It's been 50 years since Joni Mitchell released what many consider to be her defining album, 'Blue'; defining not only her as an artist but what the singer-songwriter genre could be as a whole.
When thinking about prolific songwriters that utilized cryptic, often puzzling use of words and meanings, few compare to the songwriting duo Steely Dan. The many interpretations of their lyrics has taken on a life of its own.
"Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything," the exhibition approved by Cohen himself, is beginning its international tour from The Jewish Museum in New York before departing for Europe and elsewhere.
There are seemingly more documentaries released these days than ever before, and a great deal of them are about music. Here are the 16 best of the year.
The Tribeca Film Festival is ongoing, with both in-person and virtual components, and as usual, there are some major music documentaries. Here are three of the most notable ones.
A majority of the series will be set on the Greek island of Hydra where the pair met before starting a chaotic relationship that inspired the late singer-songwriter to pen songs such as "So Long, Marianne."
The poem taken from Leonard Cohen's posthumous book of poetry and lyrics, 'The Flame', is titled "Kanye West Is Not Picasso."
We're back talking about Donald Glover's Adidas collaboration, the message/non-message in Jordan Peele's 'Us', the Notre Dame fire, spoilercasting 'Avengers: Endgame', and much more.
Historian is an LA-based psych-folk band which evokes the audio image of a tripping-on-acid Leonard Cohen. And just like a psychedelic journey can have almost diametrically opposite in nature stops, so does Historian’s Expanse LP.