Kee Avil invited artists she admires to re-imagine tracks from her Juno Award-nominated debut album, resulting in Crease Remixed.
In celebration of Bandcamp Friday, †The Lord† and Daniel Kubinski have released their haunting collaborative track, "Palliare."
2023 marks the rebirth of Ólafur Arnalds' OPIA as a three-pronged entity: A traveling festival, a record label, and a hub for community projects centered around unique, real-world experiences.
On 'Between All Things,' through their ambient approach, OHMA is able to aurally fill the gap between all things, real or imagined.
On 'Wayfinder,' Mohamed Assani is able to show what a successful combination of Indian/Pakistani classical and modern music should sound like.
On 'Groovy Avocado Disco,' Unfortunately Steven is able to present a thoughtful concept exploring mental health through some strong music.
Photographer and video artist Oan Kim, successfully develops his many musical interests on his latest project, 'Oan Kim & the Dirty Jazz.'
With a career stretching as far back as the late '70s, Jane Siberry has practically covered the whole ground set in the definition of "art-rock" and beyond, garnering that cult artist status so many have strived for, but few have attained.
Experimental theatre aims to break the rules of traditional theatre performances, allowing artists to think outside the box and establish new artistic methods, with its most remarkable characteristic being the participation of its audience.
On 'Catharsis,' Vancouver's Marc-E, blurs the lines between the genres of instrumental music to great success.
On 'Tancade,' Gaspar Claus delivers a truly cleansing musical experience, all with the use of one instrument, his cello.
With 'Zahava', Canadian singer Jordana Talsky, skillfully uses just her voice and body to express herself musically and manages to escape all the possible traps of this risky undertaking.
Light in the Attic is set to reissue his experimental album Hudson River Wind Meditations, stemming from his devotion to tai chi, yoga, and meditation.
On his latest single "Serenity," Dutch composer Maarten Rischen shows what a good post-classical/ambient combination should sound like.
On 'Desert Power,' jRadax delivers an intriguing set of left-field electronic/rap/ambient songs.
Juggling both musical genres and professions, Devin James Fry doesn't drop a single ball on this double single of "Purple Glue"/"No Hope."
'Precipice' places Dälek again among the key experimenters, no matter what kind of music we’re talking about.
What is Krautrock? And how has this weird era of eclectic music from West Germany in the '60s and '70s come to influence so much in music still to this day? Let's take a look.
Yuval Ron & Úyanga Bold are able to bring some music of substance to the often superficial genre of relaxation/meditation music with 'Sacred Spiral.'
With 'Euphonious', Chawa Lilith has delivered vocal ambient music that is among the top in the genre.
Maria Staroselets sat down with us to talk about 'Continuous Mapping': her experimental theatre performance that uses audio and interactive elements to tell a unique story of the city with its residents as its main characters.
Chris Ianuzzi continues his series of successful experimental electronic singles with "Hunger."
With 'Hauntology,' Abiura delivers a true Halloween soundtrack that invokes some true ghosts of Modernity in the 21st Century.
WooliebuGGer brings back the art of the double A-side single with two excellent electronica excursions.