While Derrickson started the 'Doctor Strange' movies off well, Sam Raimi will take the concept to a whole new echelon of weird perfection.
Doctor Strange was yet another origin story with a weak villain, but the spectacular, trippy visuals and great acting keep it from being too formulaic. The future ramifications from introducing magic in the Marvel cinematic universe alone make this one worth watching.
Episode 7: President Trump, the return of Chappelle shows how weak comedy is now, and Doctor Strange
In Episode 7 we discuss the recent victory of Donald Trump, Dave Chappelle's return to TV as a host for Saturday Night Live, and how pale in comparison current comedians are. We also go into full spoiler mode talking about Marvel's latest release, Doctor Strange. And lastly, we talk about upcoming films we're excited about; films like Ghost in the Shell, Trainspotting 2, and The Dark Tower. Check out the full episode and you can see the time-stamps for the various topics on the full post.