After decades of being kept in the dark, a revolutionary story of cultural representation and authenticity has emerged that has not only awoken Hollywood but the world. All thanks to Warner Bros. alongside Director Jon M. Chu and author Kevin Kwan for bringing to life 'Crazy Rich Asians', a story that finally exposes the rich culture of the East.
Onscreen diversity is greatly needed, but when diverse casting decisions are announced without story reasons, is diversity in danger of becoming a gimmick?
We're finally back and we have some deep discussions regarding the 'Roseanne' situation and whether it was handled correctly, reactions to 'Venom' and other critically panned movies that we love, and whether or not diversity in film is in danger of becoming a gimmick - amongst other things.
2017 was just what the Academy needed after the past few years' increasing outcry over the Oscars' lack of diversity. They bounced back with a record list of diversity that almost seemed too good to be true. But ultimately I chalk it up to more lucky coincidence than manufactured inclusion, and it's brought us one step closer to our films truly becoming art imitating life and the world around us.