Directed by Edgar Wright and titled 'The Sparks Brothers,' the film just premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and explores how a band can be successful, underrated, hugely influential and overlooked all at the same time.
On 'A.U.', Rachel Lime creates an alternate musical universe all her own that lies somewhere between Kate Bush and Bjork, with the added elements of Korean scales.
We're pleased to present "Nowhere Left To Go," the latest art pop single from Brooklyn-based quintet Populuxe.
Faux Real have returned to share “Hi Tension,” mixing pulsing synths with their signature high-voltage melodies.
Pop artist R E L has just shared her latest single, "Intuition," an emotionally raw and powerful track delving into the profound journey of self-discovery.
Iceland singer Sunna Margrét, comes up with an intriguing take on experimental electro-pop on her debut album, 'Finger On Tongue.'