Maria Bamford's critically acclaimed Netflix series, Lady Dynamite is easily one of the most forward-thinking comedy shows currently running. However, beyond the shows surreal aesthetic lies a message of perseverance that's good medicine for anyone who's ever had the odds stacked against them.
JoinedSeptember 5, 2017
In the last few decades, pop culture and entertainment have unapologetically co-opted mainstream comics, using their content to fuel a billion dollar industry. What most people don't realize, however, is that there's a wealth of world-class comics with stories you'll never see represented at the megaplexes. These are books focuses on topics of subculture, such as music, identity and the marginalized, and they're some of the most compelling and well-crafted comics in the world.
Traditionally, high fantasy fiction is seen as an escapist genre. The consumer, simply put, wants a place where their mind can roam in a magical setting. A place that is foreign and fantastic compared to their daily grind. Although this is the type of experience George R.R. Martin and HBO cultivated with Game of Thrones, when looking a little closer, it is clear that they are also using the veil of the fantasy genre to help the viewer take a closer look at some hard realities facing modern society.
In this final installment of the Culture of Comics series, we are taking a look at comic creators who transcend the comic book medium in ways which liken their works more closely to forms of what is considered, "high art."
Not only has comic book content dramatically changed over the last 20 years but so has the average comic fan. This 3 part series aims to expose societies outdated image of comic culture while exploring modern comic genres as art forms which encompass hip hop, feminism, civil rights, LGBT, and politics.