Native Greek musician Nick Anastasakis, better known as the frontman of his indie rock group,
The Afro Nick, is debuting his latest single, “Get There Before Noon.” Previously recorded in
studios across New York, this track is a rearranged and re-recorded version finalized in Nick’s
home studio in LA.
In, “Get There Before Noon,” Nick describes the idea behind the soulful anthem as coming to
him quite literally. “After a late and long hangout at my apartment in NYC I woke up with a
hangover but I had to go record for another artist and I had to get there before noon,” he explains.
With lyrics such as, “And on one day, you gonna miss that day,” and “I got to live this life, not
yesterday,” the track seems to be urging listeners to seize the day before it’s too late, and to do so
according to the beat of your own drum.
On his own thoughts behind the messaging, Nick shares, “You only have one life. You gotta do what you have to do and do it as soon as possible.” Behind the passionate and profound messaging in this track are thick guitar riffs and electronic melodies, coupled with Nick’s deep and raspy voice, adding to the emotion of the song. The final line in the track, “and all you have to do, is get there before noon,” summarizes The Afro Nick’s sound – a hopeful, inspiring, and poignant perspective on life.
Growing up on the island of Crete, Nick credits the local Romani people, “playing their guitars for
coins on the Venetian cobblestone streets,” as one of his earliest musical influences. Before
settling in New York and then LA, Nick toured throughout Crete – an unusual feat for an indie rock
band at the time- with his former group, Stray Blue. Since then, he has been releasing as the self-produced and liberated artist, The Afro Nick, a nod also to his own “wild and expressive hair.”
Nick’s music has been featured on television in season ten of PBS’s, “Roadtrip Nation” series,
and on international radio stations such as Cosmos FM, an educational organization dedicated to
preserving Greek heritage in the United States.
Are you rocking with The Afro Nick’s latest offering, “Get There Before Noon”?