The Hollywood Reporter and a few other outlets report that even during the shutdown, renowned director Martin Scorsese managed to create a new short film. The film was prepared for the BBC’s series Lockdown Culture with Mary Beard and will be aired on the channel on May 28 as the finale of the series.
According to the report, Scorsese shot the film by himself and it “reportedly involves a kind of dialogue with the past. Scorsese interprets the lockdown through beloved films like Hitchcock’s The Wrong Man, testing us to look at the classic works and our current situation through a new lens.“
Scorsese talked about his experiences in isolation, saying that, “What I look forward to in the future is carrying with me what I have been forced to learn in these circumstances. It is essential. The people you love. Being able to take care of them and be with them as much as you can.”
Mary Beard, the show’s host added that “Martin Scorsese makes a wonderful end to the series. We see him at home, thinking about lockdown through the lens of classic movies, like Hitchcock’s The Wrong Man. But what’s really clever is that this great Hollywood luminary also gets us to look at Hitchcock again afresh through the lens of our current predicament. I was absolutely over the moon when he agreed to do it for us. It feels a bit like hosting a little premiere. And it all contributes to a pretty amazing finale.”