BLOOM: Benny Bing and Beauty in the Black Form | Podcasts | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
BLOOM: Benny Bing and Beauty in the Black Form | Podcasts | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

BLOOM: Benny Bing and Beauty in the Black Form

We’re back with special guest Benny Bing to talk about his latest art collection titled ‘BLOOM,’ which has recently released online. We get into his start in music, his unique art style, commissioning work for Dave Chappelle, having personal agency in the art world, taking back the narrative of the black experience, reconnecting the African diaspora, and much, much more. Check the full episode out above and tell us your thoughts, comments, and questions about the topics in the episode.

00:01:28 Benny’s latest exhibition, ‘BLOOM’

00:10:35 – Benny’s self-taught start in art, the origin of “Benny Bing,” his art inspirations

00:26:44 – The rise of Nigerian art and “gatekeeping” in the art world

00:34:39 – Commissioning work for Dave Chappelle, the importance of personal agency, and the overlooked private sector

00:43:49 – Re-defining the “black experience” and reconnecting the African diaspora

00:55:07 – African culture breaking through to the mainstream

00:58:30 – Artists’ role in normalizing “blackness”

01:05:28 – Is the gallery model dying?

01:12:09 – The impact of COVID and taking the exhibition “online”

01:17:31 – Dealing with anxiety as an artist

01:25:53 – What’s in the future for Benny Bing?

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Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
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