Metallica's music helped ward off a potential cougar attack | News | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

Metallica’s music helped ward off a potential cougar attack

Heavy metal saves lives

You may be able to repel off mosquitoes with Skrillex and his version of dubstep, but what do you do when you encounter a wild predatory animal in your neighborhood?

Well, then, you might just have to scare it off with some Metallica and their heavy metal stuff. That is at least what Dee Gallant, a Canadian woman from Duncan (Vancouver Island), British Columbia did!

As she told the local KelownaNow and Keerang was quick to report, she was walking her Husky in the nearby woods when she “felt like something was watching them.” She turned and saw a real live cougar (the animal type) creeping toward them. The moment the animal stopped and started fixating on them, Gallant pulled out her phone to record the situation while yelling to try to scare it off.

Since that didn’t work, she rushed through the music library on her phone and found Metallica’s “Don’t Tread On Me.” “I thought it was the noisiest thing on my phone that would probably scare it, that was also the messaged I wanted to convey to the cougar.”

“As soon as the first notes blared out it ran into the bush,” she said. “After that, I was a little more scared because I couldn’t see it anymore and once it turned to run out I realized it was a lot bigger than I had thought, about three meters long from nose to tail.”

She also added: “I would love to contact them someday and tell James Hetfield that he saved my life.”

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
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