Insomniac Events, the company that promotes and organizes the Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) has decided to donate 1,000 tents used at the EDC festival to the benefit of the Bahamas residents who were displaced by the Hurricane Dorian.
As DigitalMusicNews (DMC) reported, donating these tents Insomniac CEO Pasqualle Rotella answered the call from the Love and Life Foundation, which was already providing support to Bahamian victims. Insomniac also sent a group of its employees to help with the setup of these air-conditioned, weather-resistant tents which feature “seven-layer insulation, and can be used by five occupants simultaneously.” The visitors of the EDC who slept in these tents attest that “their technical positives are outdone only by their comfort.”
Insomniac Events also made a call to music fans “to lend their support to those who’ve been affected by Hurricane Dorian. The Insomniac Cares Bahamas Relief fundraiser, which is live on GoFundMe, has set a goal of $100,000. Per the fundraiser’s description, “donations will go toward the purchase of generators, water purification devices, bedding, toiletries, and other supplies to help create a sustainable living environment for families.”
DMC adds that the donations are pouring in and that the fundraiser has currently earned $12,500, but that the donations are pouring in at the rate that makes it quite possible that the set goal will be reached.