An unfinished 'sequel' to Anthony Burgess' masterpiece, "A Clockwork Orange" has just been found | News | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS

An unfinished ‘sequel’ to Anthony Burgess’ masterpiece, “A Clockwork Orange” has just been found

Burgess left the unfinished manuscript in his home in Bracciano, near Rome, Italy in the '70s

British daily, The Guardian, carried a report that a lost ‘sequel’ to Anthony Burgess’ prophetic masterpiece A Clockwork Orange has been found among the papers the author abandoned in the ’70s in the suburbs of Rome. It is said that the manuscript explores, “the moral panic that followed the release of Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation of his novel.”

Burgess wrote this unfinished manuscript sometime in 1972 and 1973, after the reports that Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation inspired copycat crimes, for which the film was withdrawn from circulation at the time.

The manuscript was discovered by Andrew Biswell, director of the Burgess Foundation in Manchester, during a process of cataloging the author’s papers. As previously stated, Burgess left the unfinished manuscript in his home in Bracciano, near Rome, Italy in the ’70s. The house was sold after Burgess died in 1993.

Burgess himself named the manuscript The Clockwork Condition and described it as a, “major philosophical statement on the contemporary human condition.” For his part, Biswell calls the content of the papers, “remarkable”, and that they shed, “new light on Burgess, Kubrick and the controversy surrounding the notorious novel.”

The Burgess remark about the manuscript was made in a 1975 interview when he said that it’s still in the idea stage. The papers Biswell found run to some 200 pages and include, “typewritten drafts, notes, and outlines.”

According to Biswell, in the manuscript, Burgess describes the ’70s as a, “clockwork inferno, with humans no more than cogs in the machine, no longer much like natural growth, not humanly organic.”

The Foundation has already been contacted by a number of publishers keen to acquire the rights to the unfinished manuscript, with Biswell quoted that, “in theory it would be possible to create a publishable version of The Clockwork Condition.”

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