Trailer Roundup 1/22/18

Trailer Roundup 1/22-2/4

I’m pretty iffy about Jason Bateman and his movies. Sometimes they’re better than expected and sometimes they’re as bad as they sound on paper; and it probably doesn’t help that he essentially plays the same character in everything he’s ever been in. But, Game Night actually might be one of those surprisingly good ones from him. The Cured looks like it might be the first genuinely interesting takes on the zombie genre in quite some time and gives me those 28 Days Later vibes. A24, if nothing else, knows how to make a movie trailer. Hereditary is their latest foray into the psychological horror genre and I can’t help but be instantly intrigued by it’s unsettling atmosphere. It doesn’t hurt that it’s from the same people who produced The Witch; I’m just hoping that there’s a little more pay off than with It Comes At Night. Either way they’re still one of the best and daring studios out and that makes this a must watch. Keeping that mystery and unknown going, Submergence looks like an complex story of love and diverging paths without giving much away. Seems intense at the least.

Lastly, Marvel hit us with a surprise trailer for the follow-up to Ant-ManAnt-Man and the Wasp, and man am I pumped. The first was one of their most underrated and funniest films yet and Paul Rudd is about as perfect for the role of Ant-Man as Robert Downey was for Iron Man. They’re damn near “can’t miss” at this point, so it’s a no-brainer for me.

Check out everything I rounded up below and let me know which ones you’re most pumped for.

Game Night





The Cured


I Kill Giants

When We First Met

Pacific Rim: Uprising

Ant-Man and the Wasp

What’d you think about this weeks roundup of trailers? Which one are you most excited about? Let me know in the comments below and subscribe to stay up on all the content and gain access to exclusives.

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CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

Damaged City Festival 2019 | Photos | LIVING LIFE FEARLESS
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