It was odd times last year when we got not one but two albums helmed by a Gallagher. If I wasn’t so convinced that they actually hated one another, I’d write it off as a smart marketing ploy. It makes for an interesting narrative to the say the least. So it’s inevitable and unavoidable to compare the two projects. While I enjoyed the brother’s project in that it didn’t stray too far from the sound that made him famous, I found myself more taken aback by Noel Gallagher’s significantly different approach to Who Built the Moon? This is probably the most experimental sound that I can recall him ever producing – even attempting conceptual instrumental tracks and musical elements, like a backing choir and almost 70s-esque Motown type backing vocals, that I wasn’t expecting to hear. Sonically, it’s vastly more extensive than his past couple of projects and he sounds like he’s got much more of a pep to his step. Whereas Liam’s album was comfortable in it’s familiarity, Noel Gallagher’s feels refreshingly retro yet inventive and new and in turn makes for a much more interesting listen as a whole. This might just be the second wind he’s really needed.
“She was there
Diamonds in her hair
Singing out a dead man’s song
Here am I
With the mighty and the high
Feeling like I don’t belong”
Have you heard Who Built the Moon? What’d you think about it? Between Noel Gallagher and Liam Gallagher, who do you think had the better album? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to leave your own ratings and reactions to the album.