San Diego Comic-Con Roundup 2017

San Diego Comic-Con 2017 Roundup

We are going to be changing up the format to our roundups from now on and this will be the first roundup to do so. Instead of reacting to each and every video, we will be reacting to them en masse. Let us know what you think about the new format.

This year’s San Diego Comic-Con is officially in the books and just like every year we got a great look at a lot of highly anticipated projects and new surprises we didn’t even know were on the way. Below is a roundup of some of our favorites new trailers to come out of the convention.

Steven Spielberg brought one of the most visually arresting trailers I’ve ever seen for Ready Player One. I’ve heard of the book but I’ve never actually read it. From the trailer it seems like it’s coming out at the perfect time with this advent of virtual reality and there’s pop culture references galore from Freddy Krueger, to the Iron Giant, to the Delorean, and a ton more. Looks like a wild ride and one worth seeing for the spectacle alone. The new Justice League trailer completely got me hyped for the movie I was otherwise pretty ‘iffy’ on, and it looks like it’ll be a lot more fun than BvSThor: Ragnarok keeps on looking better and better, and I love the new tone they’ve brought to the franchise. Triple Threat is a movie I didn’t even know I wanted but with it’s cast there’s sure to be some epic fight scenes and Bright has always intrigued me from the first time I heard about it. Seeing it’s crazy mix of Training Day  and Lord of the Rings has only piqued my interest even more.

On the TV front,  Season 5 of Vikings and Marvel’s The Defenders look appropriately badass, with the civil war in Vikings looking particularly brutal. I’m still not completely sold on their new Inhumans series, I much prefer the X-Men, but I’ll need to see more before I pass judgement. But holy fck am I excited for Seasons 2 of Stranger ThingsPreacher, and Westworld. They really look like ratcheting things up for the next season of Stranger Things and setting the trailer to “Thriller” completely sold me and I can’t wait to dive back into that world. After building up the story in Season 1, the new season of Preacher looks like it fully dives into the craziness of that world (trailer song choice for the win) and I can’t fcking wait to go back. The same goes for the next season of Westworld; the trailer did a great job of building anticipation, that shot of Ed Harris at the end had me smiling from ear to ear, and that wait til 2018 is gonna be brutal.

Ready Player One

Preacher Season 2

Justice League

Marvel’s The Defenders

Triple Threat


Strangers Things Season 2

Vikings Season 5

Marvel’s Inhumans

Thor: Ragnarok

Westworld Season 2


What’d you think about the trailers to come out of this year’s San Diego Comic-Con? Which movie or TV show are you most excited for? Let me know in the comments below and subscribe to stay up on all the new content and gain access to exclusives.

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CULTURE (counter, pop, and otherwise) and the people who shape it.

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