Two strong women artists team up to create a powerful gallery experience. Kate Gilmore and Karen Heagle, performance/video artist and painter create a layered exhibition titled “BEAT” at the On Stellar Rays Gallery.
Kate Gilmore is a noteworthy talent who was also a studio professor of mine during graduate school. Once I found out about her opening I made sure to be there. This was the first time Ive been introduced to Karen Heagle and her work.
Tough, Passionate(Red) women beating the foundation beneath them whilst surrounded by predators created a profound social commentary.
Jumping right in, as I entered the gallery a few things stood out immediately. Gilmore’s performers dressed in crimson sweatsuits and steel-toe boots created this immersive echo of stomping in a synchronized beat. All 3 performers were female as well. Then I noticed the paintings on the wall, which happened to be all paintings of predators and scavengers. Tough, Passionate(Red) women beating the foundation beneath them whilst surrounded by predators created a profound social commentary.
The closer I got to the paintings to more intricate they became.
Heagle’s work was very saturated in color, complicated by layers of collage, ink, gold leaf, and acrylic. The closer I got to the paintings to more intricate they became. Predators were the subject matter, which connected with being treated like meat. The works however critical, made a strong statement while also maintaining respect for the predator.
The ever-present sound of banging on steel both disrupted and unified the space.
While talking to the artists or friends and engaging with the paintings, the “Beat” remained constant. If you go to this show, up through Feb. 19th, make sure you go during the performance. The experience is much different with out the performers presence and the sounds they create. The ever-present sound of banging on steel both disrupted and unified the space. The performers do however, leave their own marks on the red cubes creating unique remnants of the performance piece.
What did you think about the show? Which work was your favorite? Leave comments, flip through the images and rate the show with stars bellow.