The start to 2017 has been pretty good to us so far. We continue to put out content at a consistent rate, continue to check things off the list, our traffic continues to grow, and we’re starting to kick into second gear on our initial plans. While that’s all extremely good news, it also means that the amount of stuff on our plate has begun to increase exponentially as well. It’s becoming harder to keep things going at this pace and we have no desire to slow down now when we have so much cool shit on the way. So, it’s time we expand the team.
Starting today we will begin seeking out content creators, especially writers, who we think could be good contributors to what we’ve got going on here. We’re looking for people who have as big a passion for culture as we do. Whether that’s in the arts, music, film, or anything in between; we want to work together and create some awesome content! This won’t be for pay, but it will be great for portfolios and for those looking to break in and get their names out there. You’ll get full credit, flexibility to write and create what you want, and the possibility of shared expenses for larger projects.
So if you or anybody you know may be interested and think would be a good fit, then comment down below or shoot us a message here and we’ll get in touch. Having prior work or examples of your style is a big plus.